Ad Pacem is pleased to announce that Mr Manfred Sapper, editor-in-chief of Osteuropa, the oldest monthly magazine on Eastern Europe published in Berlin, will give a lecture at the Book and Culture Fair organised by CLAE, on Saturday 25 February 2023.
The title of the conference is:
Testfall Ukraine – Russlands Krieg, der Westen und die Wege zum Frieden
(Test Case Ukraine – Russia’s War, the West and the Paths to Peace)
After studying Eastern European history and political science, Mr Sapper (1962) has been editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary monthly journal Osteuropa since 2002. The journal was founded in 1925, banned in 1939 and relaunched in 1951.
Mr Sapper and the journal have received several awards for their work, such as the “Dialog-Preis” of the German-Polish Society and the “Fricke-Preis” of the Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung.
The journal is the publisher of, among others, the volumes:
Widerstand. Ukrainische Kultur in Zeiten des Krieges (Resistance. Ukrainian culture in times of war) (2022),
Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine, Propaganda, Verbrechen, Widerstand (Russia’s war on Ukraine, propaganda, crime, resistance) (2022),
Der Geist der Zeit. Kriegsreden aus Russland (The spirit of the times. War speeches from Russia) (2021),
Babyn Jar. Der Ort, die Tat und die Erinnerung (Babyn Yar. The place, the deed and the memory) (2021),
Schlachtfeld Ukraine. Studien zur Soziologie des Krieges (Battlefield Ukraine. Studies on the sociology of war) (2019),
Vernichtung durch Hunger. Der Holodomor in der Ukraine (Extermination through Hunger. The Holodomor in Ukraine) (2004).
The conference will be held at the Kirchberg in Luxembourg-City, on the LuxExpo site, from 2.30 to 4 pm in room 1 on the ground floor.
In view of the war in Ukraine, it is important for me to invite you to this conference, which is about possible ways to peace and security on our continent.
With best regards for peace!
Claude Pantaleoni