Category: Conferences / debates / testimonies
Newsletter 30
When is the next war in the Balkans?
Dear friends, dear members,
Since the beginning of 2022, new wars in Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Sudan and Gaza have dominated our daily news.
To find out where the next armed conflict in Europe might break out, on behalf of our association Ad Pacem servandam – Pour la Paix et contre la guerre I invite you to attend our conference with Mr Jean-Arnault Dérens, which will take place on Saturday 24 February 2024 at LuxExpo – The Box in Kirchberg (Luxembourg City), from 2.30 to 4.00 pm in the ground floor room, as part of the Festival des Migrations and the Salon du Livre organised by CLAE.
Some regions of the Balkans may soon be seeking a military solution to their border problems and disputed territorial occupations. This is still in the wake of the collapse of the former Yugoslavia and the wars of independence in the 1990s.
To find out more about this region at the heart of Europe, we invited journalist and historian Jean-Arnault Dérens, who has been reporting on the Balkans for a quarter of a century in the online newspaper Le Courrier des Balkans, of which he is editor-in-chief and also co-founder.
His lecture on Saturday 24 February is entitled:
“The Balkans, a marginalised periphery of the European Union? Old unresolved conflicts and new actors”
After the lecture, the author will sign his books, which can be purchased on site.
Admission is free.
We look forward to seeing you at the event,
best regards,
Claude Pantaleoni
Death of Ihor Kozlovsky
Ihor Kozlovsky, a Ukrainian historian and researcher in religious studies, died of a heart attack on 6 September 2023 in Kyiv.
Kozlovsky was 69 years old. He was originally from the Donetsk region. Even after the Russian invasion in 2014, he never left his home town. On 27 January 2016, militants from the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic took him prisoner because of his pro-Ukrainian stance. Kozlovsky remained in captivity for 700 days, where he was subjected to numerous tortures. He was released in a prisoner exchange on 27 December 2017.
After his return to Ukraine, he worked in Kyiv in the Religious Studies Department of the Institute of Philosophy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
Invited in October 2021 by our association “Ad pacem servandam – For Peace and Against War”, Ihor Kozlovsky travelled to France, Luxembourg and Germany to bear personal witness to Russian war crimes against civilians in Ukraine. He gave several interviews to German, Luxembourg and French journalists.
You can watch the lecture Ihor Kozlovsky gave in Mont-Saint-Martin (F) on 16 October 2021 by clicking on the following link:
War in Ukraine. 700 days of captivity and torture. Ihor Kozlovsky testifies
Book and Culture Fair of the CLAE in Luxembourg City : Saturday, 25 February 2023
Manfred SAPPER
“Test Case Ukraine – Russia’s War, the West and the Paths to Peace”
Newsletter n. 21
Ad Pacem is pleased to announce that Mr Manfred Sapper, editor-in-chief of Osteuropa, the oldest monthly magazine on Eastern Europe published in Berlin, will give a lecture at the Book and Culture Fair organised by CLAE, on Saturday 25 February 2023.
The title of the conference is:
Testfall Ukraine – Russlands Krieg, der Westen und die Wege zum Frieden
(Test Case Ukraine – Russia’s War, the West and the Paths to Peace)
After studying Eastern European history and political science, Mr Sapper (1962) has been editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary monthly journal Osteuropa since 2002. The journal was founded in 1925, banned in 1939 and relaunched in 1951.
Mr Sapper and the journal have received several awards for their work, such as the “Dialog-Preis” of the German-Polish Society and the “Fricke-Preis” of the Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung.
The journal is the publisher of, among others, the volumes:
Widerstand. Ukrainische Kultur in Zeiten des Krieges (Resistance. Ukrainian culture in times of war) (2022),
Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine, Propaganda, Verbrechen, Widerstand (Russia’s war on Ukraine, propaganda, crime, resistance) (2022),
Der Geist der Zeit. Kriegsreden aus Russland (The spirit of the times. War speeches from Russia) (2021),
Babyn Jar. Der Ort, die Tat und die Erinnerung (Babyn Yar. The place, the deed and the memory) (2021),
Schlachtfeld Ukraine. Studien zur Soziologie des Krieges (Battlefield Ukraine. Studies on the sociology of war) (2019),
Vernichtung durch Hunger. Der Holodomor in der Ukraine (Extermination through Hunger. The Holodomor in Ukraine) (2004).
The conference will be held at the Kirchberg in Luxembourg-City, on the LuxExpo site, from 2.30 to 4 pm in room 1 on the ground floor.
In view of the war in Ukraine, it is important for me to invite you to this conference, which is about possible ways to peace and security on our continent.
With best regards for peace!
Claude Pantaleoni
As part of the Book and Culture Fair in Luxembourg City : on Saturday 7 May 2022
Mr. Jacques FAURE
What peaceful policy for Europe
in the face of Russian military aggression against Ukraine?
Newsletter n. 18 : Conference-debate with our guest Mr. Jacques Faure
Ihor Kozlovsky -700 days of captivity and torture
Our guest – Ihor KOZLOVSKY
Our association Ad Pacem servandam – For Peace and Against War – is organizing two public lectures to spread the truth about the war in Eastern Ukraine.
Our speaker, Mr. Kozlovsky, is a Ukrainian historian and religious researcher, poet, writer and essayist.
He participated in the Euromaidan protests in Donetsk, the capital of Ukraine’s Donbass, when Russian special forces entered eastern Ukraine and occupied the city. He was one of the organizers of the Interreligious Prayer Marathon for the Unity of Ukraine (March-November 2014, Donetsk).
On January 27, 2016, he was captured by fighters of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and remained in captivity for almost two years (700 days) until December 27, 2017.
Since his release, Kozlovsky has been actively engaged in campaigning for the release of Ukrainian prisoners in the Donbass and Crimea.
Ad Pacem is organizing three meetings to give Mr. Kozlovsky the opportunity to talk about this cruel and still ongoing war.
It will be possible to ask him questions directly, with translation on the spot.
The three public events
- On Friday, October 15, at 8:00 p.m., his testimony will take place in Luxembourg, in the commune of Mersch, in Lintgen, 17 rue du cimetière.
- On Saturday, October 16, at 10:30 a.m., a public conference will be held in France at the Maison pastorale in Mont-St-Martin, 1 avenue du bois.
- On Saturday, October 16 at 4:00 p.m., a charity concert for civilian victims of the war in Ukraine will be held in the church of Notre Dame de Villerupt (Place Jeanne d’Arc) in France.
The organist from Longwy, Mrs. Marie-Paule Baumgartner-Sendron, and her students Laura and Daniel Pantaleoni will play works by Bach, Pachelbel, Boely, Vierne and others.
In the middle of the concert, Mr. Kozlovsky will talk about the war in Ukraine.
Light refreshments will be offered at the end of the concert.
The anti-COVID19 rules in force will be observed.
For those who cannot travel to Luxembourg or France, Ad Pacem will organize a live streaming of the conference on Saturday morning.
Presentation by Mr Gabriel Becker
The Ban Saint-Jean camp in Moselle (F)
On Saturday 29 February 2020, our association “For peace and against war” invited Mr Gabriel Becker, from Lorraine, to present the Nazi camp of Ban St-Jean in Moselle (F) on the 20th “Salon du Livre et des cultures” in Luxembourg. This camp is in fact a mass grave containing the remains of 20,000 Soviet prisoners of the Second World War.
Before giving the floor to the guest, the President of the Association, Mr Claude Pantaleoni, introduced Mr Becker and his research work within the AFU (French-Ukrainian Association), which is responsible for the rehabilitation of the camp.
The mass grave of Ban St-Jean is in Moselle, near Boulay, about one hour from Luxembourg. Gabriel Becker, a retired German teacher, has been researching testimonies, archive documents and memorabilia for twenty years to save the history of this Soviet prison camp from oblivion. He is vice president and co-founder of the Franco-Ukrainian Association (AFU), which works to preserve the camp.
Becker has published four books in which he explains the drama of the last world war and the ups and downs of the camp’s rehabilitation.
Nazi transit camp
The speaker began by explaining that the local population did not want to deal with this camp after the war and did everything they could to forget the place, partly because the people were worried about their survival and were busy with the difficult organisation of their daily lives.
Continue reading “Presentation by Mr Gabriel Becker”Video of the conference by Mr Gabriel Becker
Our guest at the 20th “Salon du Livre et des cultures du Luxembourg” – Gabriel BECKER
Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 3:30 pm
“The BAN SAINT-JEAN: Fighting for the memory of a Ukrainian and Soviet prison camp in the Moselle”
Gabriel Becker, a retired professor of German, has been collecting testimonials, archive documents and memorabilia for the past twenty years to bring back to life the history of this prison camp. He is the author of four books on the subject:
- Le camp du BAN SAINT-JEAN (1941-1944), Lumière sur une honte enf(o)uie
- Le drame ukrainien en France (Moselle) (1941-1944), Mementote…
- Camp du Ban Saint-Jean, Moselle, La Revie
- Camp du Ban Saint-Jean Moselle, Nadejda : Espoir
He is vice-president and co-founder of the Association Franco-Ukrainienne (AFU) for the rehabilitation of the Ban Saint-Jean mass grave near Boulay, Moselle.
During his lecture, he will present the twists and turns of the dark history of this transit camp (300,000 prisoners) and death camp (22,000 dead).
30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: Cross-European order of peace between ideas and reality
Our conference, entitled “Cross-European order of peace between ideas and reality, organised in the creative Hub 1535° of Differdange, on the morning of the 9th of November was amply visited.
The conference was led in German by Dr. Bruno Schoch, a leading expert and researcher at the Leibnitz and Hessian Institute for peace and conflict research, located in Frankfurt-on-the-Main (Germany).
We also invited a panel of politicians to assist: Luxembourgish MPs from various parties as well as representatives of German political parties will be assisting the conference and participating in the debate.
The following special invitees participated in the debate:
- Ms Tilly Metz, déi Gréng (Green Party)
- Mr Gary Diderich, Déi Lénk (Left Party)
- Mr Sven Clement, Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg (Luxembourg Pirate Party)
- Mr Thomas Barth, European Speaker of the CDU-Fraction in the state parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
- Mr Stefan Thielen, Chief Whip of the CDU-Fraction in the state parliament of Saarland (Germany)
A detailed report about the conference will be available soon on this website.
Cross-European order of peace between ideas and reality
Saturday, the 9th of November from 10am to 12 pm,
in the venue “Creative Hub 1535°” in Differdange (115, rue Emile Mark), Luxembourg
We invite all members of our association and all interested people to our conference, followed by a political debate.
The conference is led by Dr. Bruno Schoch, a leading expert and researcher at the Leibnitz and Hessian Institute for peace and conflict research, located in Frankfurt-on-the-Main (Germany). The conference, under the headline ” Cross-European order of peace between ideas and reality”, will be held in German.
We also invited a panel of politicians to assist: Luxembourgish MPs from various parties as well as representatives of German political parties will be assisting the conference and participating in the debate.
So far the following people have confirmed their participation:
- Mr Gary Diderich, Déi Lénk (Left Party)
- Mr Fernand Kartheiser, ADR (centre-right)
- Mr Sven Clement, Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg (Luxembourg Pirate Party)
- Ms Tilly Metz, déi Gréng (Green Party)
- Mr Thomas Barth, European Speaker of the CDU-Fraction in the state parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
- Mr Stefan Thielen, Chief Whip of the CDU-Fraction in the state parliament of Saarland (Germany)
We would be very happy to welcome you to what promises to be a very interesting Saturday morning!