Our association Ad Pacem servandam – For Peace and Against War – is organizing two public lectures to spread the truth about the war in Eastern Ukraine.
Our speaker, Mr. Kozlovsky, is a Ukrainian historian and religious researcher, poet, writer and essayist.
He participated in the Euromaidan protests in Donetsk, the capital of Ukraine’s Donbass, when Russian special forces entered eastern Ukraine and occupied the city. He was one of the organizers of the Interreligious Prayer Marathon for the Unity of Ukraine (March-November 2014, Donetsk).
On January 27, 2016, he was captured by fighters of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and remained in captivity for almost two years (700 days) until December 27, 2017.
Since his release, Kozlovsky has been actively engaged in campaigning for the release of Ukrainian prisoners in the Donbass and Crimea.
Ad Pacem is organizing three meetings to give Mr. Kozlovsky the opportunity to talk about this cruel and still ongoing war.
It will be possible to ask him questions directly, with translation on the spot.
The three public events
- On Friday, October 15, at 8:00 p.m., his testimony will take place in Luxembourg, in the commune of Mersch, in Lintgen, 17 rue du cimetière.
- On Saturday, October 16, at 10:30 a.m., a public conference will be held in France at the Maison pastorale in Mont-St-Martin, 1 avenue du bois.
- On Saturday, October 16 at 4:00 p.m., a charity concert for civilian victims of the war in Ukraine will be held in the church of Notre Dame de Villerupt (Place Jeanne d’Arc) in France.
The organist from Longwy, Mrs. Marie-Paule Baumgartner-Sendron, and her students Laura and Daniel Pantaleoni will play works by Bach, Pachelbel, Boely, Vierne and others.
In the middle of the concert, Mr. Kozlovsky will talk about the war in Ukraine.
Light refreshments will be offered at the end of the concert.
The anti-COVID19 rules in force will be observed.
For those who cannot travel to Luxembourg or France, Ad Pacem will organize a live streaming of the conference on Saturday morning.