The third General Assembly of our association “For Peace and Against War” was held on Wednesday 5 February 2020 on the 1st floor of the regional cultural centre “Aalt Stadhaus”, 38 avenue Charlotte in Differdange (L).
The president, the vice-president and the secretary were present for the committee, the treasurer being excused, leaving a proxy to the secretary Christian Welter. Sixteen members were present in the room, while twenty-three had sent apologies.
After welcoming everyone, the president gave a detailed report of all the activities, related to the three objectives of the association, that it had organised during 2019.
Christian Welter then presented the financial situation of the association.
This was confirmed by Mr. Patrice Piccart, cash auditor, who had checked the accounts.
The Vice-President explained, case by case, where the donations for the aid to war victims had been sent.
She stressed that 100% of the donations received are transferred to victims whose situation is well known to the committee members.
As in previous years, all the victims live in free Ukraine and a minority in the territories of Donbass, a territory militarily occupied by the Russian army and pro-Russian separatists.
Anselmo Malvetti, who organised the first “March for Peace” from the end of July to the beginning of September 2019, presented himself the motivations that led him to do so.
With the best photos, a 2020 Calendar was produced. Anselmo also explained how he is preparing other marches for this year 2020. The committee will decide to what extent any of these walks can be sponsored by our association and how our members can be invited to take part.
Anselmo Malvetti will also be part of the committee of the association from now on.
Then the president explained that after two years of activity for Peace and against War, the committee decided to modify article 2 of the statutes as follows:
The purpose of the association is :
- To help the victims and refugees of conflicts and wars in Europe by organising solidarity and support actions.
- To promote a culture of peace by raising awareness, especially among young people, through educational activities: visits to museums and places of war and remembrance, conferences, meetings and others.
- Obtain information from peace research institutes and scientific and other experts who develop and propose non-violent solutions to conflicts and wars.
- To disseminate information and experiences in the media and in the public arena in connection with the three above-mentioned topics.
Under the heading “Miscellaneous”, the President listed the activities and actions planned for the year. At the Salon du Livre et des Cultures in Luxembourg City at the end of February, our guest, Mr Gabriel Becker, will speak about the concentration camp during the Second World War in Ban St. Jean, near Boulay (F). For twenty years he has been trying to rescue this camp from oblivion, where about 23,000 Ukrainians died.
The association is also planning two cultural outings with the young members, one of which will be to the Bastogne War Museum, a museum dedicated to the Battle of the Bulge during the Second World War, a few kilometres north-east of the town of Bastogne (B).
Thanking everyone for attending the meeting, the president invited everyone to continue the discussion over a friendly drink which he offered at the café “Chez Amado” on theground floor of the “Aalt Stadhaus”.